Reflections from listeners, participants, and clients:


"[Namira’s] speech was so inspiring, so real, raw and well, incredible. I loved every second of it."

— A listener in Washington, D.C. (2016)

“I knew [Namira] had gotten through to people when they started sharing their personal experiences, and experiences of people they know.”

— A workshop participant in Nashville (2014)

“The format with which Namira presented, by showing pictures … and asking us what we knew about them was extremely engaging.”

— A high school student in Michigan (2020)

“Through [Namira], we received expert instruction and facilitation that helped attendees unlock and unpack their experiences to bring their full selves to our work—making it stronger, more informed, and more authentic.”

— A client in Michigan (2018)

“[Namira] is so skilled, passionate, and gracious … in her facilitation and modeling.”

— A virtual workshop participant (2022)

“[Namira] prepared a powerful workshop after taking the time to understand our organization, and her approach encouraged lively discussion and audience participation we had not seen before. [She] is at the forefront of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility matters, and all organizations who are genuinely interested in this trend should similarly work with her.”

— An international client for a virtual workshop (2022)

“Namira does a fantastic job of synthesizing. [Her] facilitation allowed people to feel safe and comfortable sharing, to be present, and for people to connect deeply with one another and build greater community during these remote work times. Not easy to accomplish in a Zoom format.”

— A virtual workshop participant (2022)